Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed from Balkan Peninsula to the east of Eurasia until Amur region. Armenia is inhabited by nominate subspecies, which is widely distributed through the country, typically inhabiting deciduous forests and meadows, and also occurring in humid calcareous grasslands. The elevation occupied by the species is between 1,000 and 2,400 m a.s.l. The host plants of the species are various species of Potentilla. Butterflies are on wing in one generation per year from early July till mid August.
Population dynamics: The species is slightly uncommon within typical habitat although in some spots it has quite high density. Unlike most of other Pyrgus species, the field identification of the species is rather easy and therefore is possible to compute its population trend, which shows stability during 2003-2013 (p>0.05). It appears that the relative specialization of the species towards habitat doesn’t make it vulnerable for the most influencing factors, such as intensive grazing and mowing.
Conservation measures: The species has not been evaluated for the Global and National Red Lists, however is assessed for the Red List of European Butterflies, receiving status of Least Concern. The species is not included in CITES and Bern Conventions. Preliminary evaluation of the species’ conservation status for Armenia suggests it as a Least Concern. The distribution range of the species is covered by number of National Protected Areas, Emerald Sites, also it is presented in many Prime Butterfly Areas. At current there is no need for developing special conservation measures for protection of the species in Armenia. However it is important to continue its monitoring in the country as requirements towards humidity of the habitat can make the species rather vulnerable if conditions change drastically. Especially such approach is essential for the areas with high level of development of Small Hydro Power Plants on mountain rivers.