Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: It is a species of the mountainous areas of Europe but is absent from the British Isles and Scandinavia. Armenia is inhabited by subspecies P. s. major Staudinger, 1879. In Armenia the species occupies almost entire country except of high mountains, and dry semi-deserts.The elevation range occupied by the species is from 1,000 to 2,500 m. a.s.l. The host plant of the species are various Alchemilla spp.and Potentilla spp. The species gives one generation per year the butterflies are on wing from late May till end of July.
Population dynamics: The species is slightly uncommon within typical habitat. Its close appearance to the other representatives of the genus, namely Pyrgus alveus and P. armoricanus, doesn't allow its proper counting. However, based on the caught specimens it is possible to suggest absence of changes in their number. The species appears to be quite adaptable for different conditions, which probably is the factor that helps it to survive in the conditions of heavy grazing and mowing.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and National Red Lists, but is included in the Red Book of Euroepan Butterflies as Least Concern. Also it is not included in CITES and Bern Conventions. Our preliminary assessment suggest the conservation status as a Least Concern. The country wide distribution of the species is covered by number of Protected Areas, Emerald Sites, and Prime Butterfly Areas. It appears that there are no necessary conservation measures to be developed, however it is important to designate a method of monitoring of the species' population in Armenia.