Pseudochazara geyeri(Herrich-Schäffer, [1846]) Grey Asian Grayling, Бархатница гейера, Գեերի սատիր
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed in Balkans, Asia Minor, Turkestan, and Armenian Highland. The latest one is inhabited by subspecies P. g. karsicola Gross, 1978, which occurs in high mountains inhabiting stony slopes from 1800 to 3000 m a.s.l. The host plant of the species has not yet been determined, although it is supposed to be some Graminaea. This is one of the latest Satyrs, which are on wing from late July till late August.
Population dynamics: Usually the species' density can be considered from rare to somewhat uncommon, however at one spot at the Pambak Mountains the species is quite abundant. Population trend of Grey Asian Grayling in 2003-2013 is stable (p>0.05), although in most of the sites the grazing plays rather destructive role.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and National Red Lists, as well as not included in CITES or Bern conventions; however was assessed for European Red Book as Least Concern. Preliminary assessment of its conservation status in Armenia also suggests Least Concern. The species' distribution is partly covered by some of the protected areas and Emerald Sites, however the majority of its population is located at the pasture-lands. Although it is presented in Artanish-Shorzha Prime Butterfly Area. There is no necessity for special conservation measures fort he species, however it is important to continue its monitoring as an indicator of grassland ecosystems, and for early identification of possible changes