Polyommatus iphigenia (Herrich-Schaffer, [1847]) Iphigenia Blue or [Chelmos Blue], Sable turquoise, Голубянка ифигения, Իֆիգենիա կապտաթիթեռ
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed in Balkans, Asia Minor, and Transcaucasia. Armenia is inhabited by subspecies P. i. araratensis (de Lesse, 1957), which is distributed in meadow type of calcareous grasslands at the elevation range between 1400 and 2200 m a.s.l. The larval host plant is Onobrychis cadmea. The butterflies fly in a single generation from late June till early August.
Population dynamics: The species is quite uncommon within typical habitat, and during 2003-2013 demonstrates declining population trend. Presumably the population is influenced by overgrazing as the main habitats of the species lie at the pasturelands, and the host plant - the sainfoin is also a fodder for the livestock.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and European Red Lists, however it was evaluated for the Red Book of Animals of Armenia, receiving status Endangered (B1a+B2a). Also the species is not included in Appendices of CITES and Bern Conventions. At current the species' distribution range is covered by Gnishik Protected Landscape and by Emerald Site of the same name. However the pasture management plan is not taking into consideration existence of Red Listed Species and has to be improved. The species is presented in Gnisheek and Geghadir Prime Butterfly Areas, and is an interesting object for butterfly-watching. Among proposed conservation measures it should be suggested to: (1) identify more areas as PBAs, with further their transformation into Emerald Sites; (2) development of management plan for Gnishik Emerald Site; (3) development of sustainable pasture management practices, which consider existence of such Endangered and sensitive species as Iphigenia Blue; (3) development of butterfly-watching aimed at providing alternative income opportunities for local inhabitants; (4) implementation of a public awareness campaigns, aimed at demonstration of the link between healthy habitat, butterfly fauna, number of tourists and income for the rural communities.