Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is endemic of Armenia, distributed in Central part of the country, where it inhabits semi-deserts and dry mountain steppes at the elevation range between 1000 and 1800 m a.s.l. Belov's Blue was described as a distinct species in 2014, when its genetic peculiarities and biology have been studied in details. This species' larvae are monophagous, and feed only on the host plant - Onobrychis hajastana. Butterflies are on wing from late June until late July, sometimes early August. Population dynamics: As the counts of larvae at the host plant show, the species is slightly uncommon within typical habitat. It is hard to compute its population trend though, since the species is hardly distinguishable in the field from Polyommatus demavendi. The larval host plants belong to soft type of sainfoins and therefore could be the fodder for the livestock, however, an evidence of grazing influence on the species are not studied due to the same reasons of difficulties in field identification of Belov's Blues.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and European Red Lists, as well as in Red Book of Animals of Armenia (2010). Also the specie is not listed in CITES and Bern Conventions. Preliminary assessment of the species conservation status suggests it rather as a Least Concern, although additional studies of its population trend are required. Some portion of the species' populations is covered by Khosrov Forest State Reserve. At current there are no special conservation measures required, however it can be important to set up annual count of the larval stage of the species at some sample plots located outside the Reserve. Such investigation can show possible influence of livestock grazing on the species.