Ochlodes sylvanus (Esper, 1777) Large Skipper, Rostfarbiger Dickkopffalter, Hesperie sylvaine ou Sylvaine, Толстоголовка лесовик.
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species' range extends throughout Europe to northern Asia, China and Japan. In the British Isles it occurs in England, Wales , and south western Scotland. The taxonomy status of the species’ population that inhabits Armenia is still under question – is it nominate subspecies, or subspecies O. s. hyrcanus (Christoph, 1893). The Large Skipper inhabits wide variety of woodlands and meadows, occurring in most of the country, The elevation range occupied by the species is between 1000 and 2200 m a.s.l. Although for other parts of its distribution range the species gives two annual generations, in Armenia the Large Skipper is on wing once per year: the low-elevation inhabitants emerge in mid May, while the higher elevation butterflies are active until late August. The host plants of the species are various Gramineae.
Population dynamics: The density of the species can be characterized from uncommon to common depending on the habitat. During 2003-2013 the Large Skipper shows stable distribution trend (p>0.05), which is probably resulted by rather high level of species’ adaptability and wide range of the host-plants.
Conservation measures: The Large Skipper is not included in CITES, Bern Convention, National and International Red Lists, however was evaluated for European Red Book as Least Concern. The same status should be designated for Large Skipper in Armenia. Its populations are largely protected throughout its range in Protected Areas, Emerald Sites, and Prime Butterfly Areas. However it is important to identify – which subspecies inhabits Armenia, and what is the level of its endemism.