Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed in Central and Southern Europe, South Russia, Caucasus and Transcaucasia; also there is isolated range of the species in Altai. The species is monotypic. In Armenia it inhabits almost entire country occupying deciduous woodlands and sub-alpine meadows at the elevation range between 1,000 and 2,400 m a.s.l. Unlike other forest specialists the species prefers glades and clearings in the woodlands. The host plants of Sooty Copper are various species of Rumex and Sarothamnus. The species gives one-two generations per year, depending on elevation. For the forest populations, which inhabit lower part of the elevation range to flight period lasts from early May to late October; while the high altitude meadow populations are on wing from mid June till late August.
Population dynamics: The species can be considered as rather common within typical habitat. Its population trend in 2003-2013 demonstrates stability (p>0.05). It appears that the species demonstrates quite adaptability and can switch between the host plants and survive the human disturbance related to forest logging and livestock grazing. High level of species adaptability can result in its vertical movements and therefore to indicate influence of climate change on the ecosystems.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and National Red Lists, however is evaluated in the Red List of European Butterflies as Least Concern. Also it is not included in the CITES and Bern Conventions. Preliminary assessment of Sooty Copper's conservation status for Armenia suggests it as a Least Concern. The distribution range of the species is covered by number of National Protected Areas, Emerald Sites, and Prime Butterfly Areas. Apparently, there is no need of special conservation measures for the species in Armenia, however it is recommended to continue its monitoring as a part of butterfly community in the woodlands and sub-alpine meadows.