Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is widespread across Eurasia and North America; also it is found in North Africa south through to Ethiopia. Armenia is inhabited by nominate subspecies. In Armenia Small Copper inhabits almost entire country occupying wide variety of habitats from 400 up to 2,000 m a.s.l. The larvae grow on variety of Rumex, Polygonum, Origanum, and Solidago species. The butterflies are on wing from mid April to late September, sometimes to mid October. Depending on elevation, the species gives from one to four generations per year.
Population dynamics: The species is rather common within typical habitat. Population trend during 2003-2013 demonstrates stability. It appears that the high level of species' adaptability makes the populations resistant to various threats.
Conservation measures: The species has not been evaluated for the Global and National Red Lists, but it was assessed for European Red Book as Least Concern. Also the species is not included in CITES and Bern Conventions. Preliminary evaluation of the species' conservation status suggests it as Least Concern. The Small Copper's distribution is covered by all Protected Areas, Emerald Sites and Prime Butterfly Areas. Obviously, there is no necessity to undertake special conservation measures for protection of the species. However it is important to continue its monitoring for tracking the conditions of ecosystems.