Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The Purple-shot Copper is widely distributed across temperate belt of Eurasia, and also occurs in North Africa. Armenia is inhabited by subspecies L.a. melibaeus (Staudinger, 1878). The species occupies humid mountain steppes and meadows at the elevation range from 1,500 to 2600 m a.s.l. The species' host plants are various Rumex spp, for Armenia the Rumex acetosa and R.alpestris have been reported. Also it is known that Polygonum spp also can be used by the species as a larval host plant. The species gives one generation per year, the flight period is from early June till mid August.
Population dynamics: The species is rather uncommon within typical habitat, probably because the males are very territorial. Population trend during 2003-2013 demonstrates stability (p>0.05). Although the habitats of Purple-shot Copper mostly coincide with the pasture lands, it appears that higher level of species' adaptability towards its host plants prevents its suffering form the most influencing factors - overgrazing and mowing. Also it appears that the species is more tolerant towards drier climate than, for example, the Balkan Copper is.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and National red Lists, however it is evaluated for European Red Book as Least Concern. At current the species is not also included in CITES and Bern Conventions. preliminary assessment of its conservation status in Armeniasuggests Least Concern. The distribution range of the species is covered by number of Reserves, National Parks, and Sanctuaries, as well as by Emerald Sites and Prime Butterfly Areas. There is no necessity of development of special conservation measures for protection of the species, however, quite narrow specialization of the species and sensitive habitat occupied suggest continuation of its monitoring as an essential component of highly exploited grassland ecosystems.