Hipparchia statilinus Hufnagel, 1766 Tree Grayling, Eisenfarbige Samtfalter oder die Kleine Rostbinde, Le Faune ou Arachne ou Coronis, Бархатница статилин, Ստատիլինուս
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species can be found in Central Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia and the Caucasus. Armenia is inhabited by nominate subspecies which predominantly occupies mountain steppes and semi-deserts, and avoiding humid types of the grasslands. It occurs at the elevation range from 1000 to 2200 m a.s.l. The larvae of Tree Grayling is found on on Festuca ovina, Poa annua, Deschampsia cespitosa, and Anisantha sterilis. The species gives one generation per year and the butterflies are recorded on wing from mid July till late September.
Population dynamics: In some years the species gives outbreaks in number becoming one of the main species in the habitat, however usually it is rather uncommon or even rare within the typical habitat. Population trend in 2003-2013 demonstrates moderate decline (p<0.05), probably because this steppe species is more influenced with overgrazing than other representatives of Hipparchia.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global and National Red Lists, as well as in CITES and Bern Conventions. The Tree Grayling is included in Red Book on Butterflies of Europe as Near Threatened. Preliminary assessment of the species' conservation status in Armenia suggests it as Vulnerable. The species occurs in several Protected Areas and Emerald Sites, however majority of its distribution range is located at the community areas allocated for pasture. Therefore among prime conservation measures there are: (1) development and introduction of habitat friendly grazing and mowing practices; (2) continuation of the species' monitoring as the tool for tracking its further population dynamics.