Euchloe ausonia (Hubner, 1805) Eastern Dappled White, Ostlicher Gesprenkelter Weibling, Pieride de la roquette, Белянка авзония.
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed from Northern Africa and Southern Europe, through Asia Minor towards Amurland, Baluchistan and Chitral. Armenia is inhabited by subspecies E. a. volgensis Krulikovsky, 1897, which inhabits calcareous grasslands of Central and Southern parts of the country, taking the elevation range between 600 and 2000 m a.s.l. The host-plants of the species are various Cruciferae, such as Iberis sp., Sisymbrium sp., Barbarea sp. The species gives two generations per year, having butterflies on wing from mid March till early May an then from early June till mid July.
Population dynamics: The species can be considered as somewhat uncommon to quite common within a typical habitat, depending on a particular area, also the first generation is more abundant. The Eastern Dappled White demonstrates stable population trend in 2003-2013 (p>0.05), which is probably justified by wide range of the used host plants and their general availability. Also it appears that some pupa produced after first generation stay over winter, thus creating a reserve for the species if some threat appear.
Conservation measures: The species has not been evaluated neither for IUCN nor for National Red Lists, and is not included in Bern and CITES Conventions. In European Red Book it is listed as Least Concern. Its preliminary assessment suggests the same status for Armenia. The distribution of the species is in some extent covered by Protected Areas, Emerald Sites, and Prime Butterfly Areas, and at current there is no necessity for development of conservation measures