Carcharodus stauderi Reverdin, 1913 Hesperie de Stauder, Толстоголовка Штаудера.
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: The species is distributed from Morocco to Asia Minor and Northern Iran, including Transcaucaisa. Armenia is inhabited by subspecies C.s. ambigua Verity, 1925. Larval host plants are Marrubium sp. and Phlomis sp. In Armenia the species is found in several sites at southern and south-eastern parts of the country, where it inhabits mostly mountain steppe areas, dominated by legume plants and grasses. The elevation range of the species distribution is from 1800 to 2200 m a.s.l. Most probably there are two generations per year, when the first generation flies during July (sometimes starting in late June) and the second generation in on wing from late September till mid October.
Population dynamics: The species is rare even within a typical habitat. Partly for that reason and partly due to few distribution spots, the collected data is scarce and insufficient for calculation of the population trend. It can be assumed though that the species has high level of habitat specialization, which makes it vulnerable towards any changes of its biotope.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in IUCN, European, as well as into National Red Lists. Also it is not mentioned in the Appendix 2 of Bern Convention, nor in CITES. Our preliminary assessment of the conservation status of the species suggests it as a Data Deficient. Population of the species is covered by existing protected areas: Zangezur Biosphere Complex, and Gnishik Community Managed Protected Area. The known distribution spots are included into the network of Emerald Sites. Two of the known ranges are covered by PBAs Gnisheek and Gyumorats. Thus the distribution range of the species proposed to be well covered by the network of existing protected areas. It has to be mentioned that local communities still continue using some areas of protected areas, for livestock grazing and wild herb collection, which might create some risks for local populations. For decreasing of potential risks, it is important to design detailed study of distribution and abundance of the species and conduct assessment of its conservation status at least at national level, and to include it into monitoring plan within BMS Armenia. Another important step is to market the species within butterfly-watching tour packages in order to increase the flow of tourists into the protected areas and incline financial sustainability of surrounding communities..