Argynnis alexandra Menetries, 1832 Alexandra Fritillary, Alexandra Perlmutterfalter, Перламутровка александра, Ալեքսանդրա
Distribution and biological peculiarities in Armenia: This monotypic species is distributed in Southern Transcaucasia, Northern Iran, and Western Kopet-Dagh. In Armenia the Alexandra Fritillary was found in 2003, inhabiting deciduous forests of Southern Zangezur and Meghri Mountain Ridges at the elevation range between 2000 and 2300 m a.s.l. The species remains one of the least studied ones in the country as its distribution range lays out of Armenian Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Its host plant in Armenia is still not determined, as the known host plant from other parts of species' distribution - Viola caspia - doesn't occur in Armenia. The species has one annual generation, the flight period most probably begins in July and lasts until at least mid August. Population dynamics: The species' density and population trend have not been studied yet, also it is difficult to make conclusion about current or potential threats.
Conservation measures: The species is not included in the Global, European, and Armenian Red Lists, as well as in CITES and Bern Conventions. It appears that the species deserves a status of Data Deficient and therefore requires detailed study of its distribution, abundance, population trend, biological peculiarities and threats. The current distribution range of the species is partly covered by Zangezur Biosphere Complex, and Emerald Site Arevilk, the species' occurrence in the Prime Butterfly Areas Lichk and Kajaran requires further confirmation. Also there is a certain scientific interest in study of spatial relations between the current species and Argynnis aglaja as those have been thought to be vicariant species, meanwhile there is a hypothesis of their secondary contact in Kajaran PBA.